Linker Networks has developed an AI-powered worker safety system that helps prevent workplace injury 24/7.
Tasks that have traditionally required hours of labor-intensive, in-person inspection and supervision can now be automated using Linker’s ready-to-adopt system, which integrates AI, machine learning, and the intelligent cloud. Built on Microsoft’s Azure Stack Edge and powered by Intel technology, the system is pre-trained for manufacturing and heavy industries such as oil and gas, mining, and construction.
Join this webinar to learn
The IoT innovations that power this worker safety solution
How this solution is built on Microsoft + Intel Intelligent Edge technology
How to customize the solution for your application and deliver successful real-world performance
How Azure IoT Edge automates workplace safety compliance
Dave Kurth, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Azure Stack Hub + Edge, Microsoft
Paul Shieh, Founder & CEO, Linker Networks
Wendy Lee, Business Development Manager, Linker Networks
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